Lab members


Jesse Lasky

Associate Professor of Biology
Director, Penn State Herbarium (PAC)

Diana Gamba

Postdoctoral researcher
Diana is interested in understanding how species adapt along elevational gradients, especially in species with a wide elevational range and occurring across different mountain ranges.

Erica Lawrence-Paul

NSF Plant Genome Postdoctoral Fellow
Erica is interested in how developmental transitions impact plant physiology and environmental response and how these developmental changes interact with selection and adaptation.

Joel Masanga

Postdoctoral researcher

Shiran Ben-Zeev

BARD Postdoctoral Fellow
Shiran is interested in plant-plant interactions, mechanisms of communication among plant neighbors, and their effects on plant development and productivity.

Yuxing Xu

Postdoctoral researcher

Desa Rae Abrams

Lab manager

Yuxin Luo

PhD Student, Plant Biology

Eleanna Cerda

NSF Graduate Research Fellow, PhD Student, Plant Biology
Eleanna is interested in evolutionary drivers of plant genomic diversity and population structure including factors like geographic isolation, human activities, and climate.

Katherine Blocklove

PhD Student, Agricultural and Environmental Plant Science

Rotem Ben-Zeev

Research technologist

Jessica Janakiraman

Undergraduate student, Biology

Abigail Lewis

Undergraduate student, Biology

Elizabeth Marchini

Undergraduate student, Biology


Chloee McLaughlin

PhD Student, Plant Biology
Chloee is interested in how plant diversity arises, how it is maintained, and if diversity can inform conservation efforts. She currently works on crop landraces.

Amanda Penn

Former lab manager

Margarita Takou

Former Postdoc. Currently postdoc at University of Cologne.

Aayudh Das

Former Postdoc. Currently scientist at Garuda Therapeutics.

Jeremy Sutherland

Former PhD Student, Bioinformatics & Genomics
Currently a postdoc at Penn State.

Victoria DeLeo

Former PhD Student, Plant Biology.
Currently scientist at Bowery Farming.

Kathryn Turner

Currently Assistant Professor at Idaho State University.
Former Eberly Fellow postdoc.

Emily Bellis

Currently scientist at Avalo Inc.
Former NSF Plant Genome postdoc.

Lua Lopez Perez

Currently Assistant Professor at California State University, San Bernardino.
Former postdoctoral researcher

Claire Lorts

Former Research Technician & Lab Manager

Hailey Bowers

Former Research Technician

Asnake Haile

Former visiting PhD student, Addis Ababa University

Rohan Ramaswamy

Undergraduate student, Biology

Molly Biver

Former Undergraduate student, Biology

Robin Mailum

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Vishnu Viswanathan

Former Honors major, Biology

Victoria Pizzi

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Xavier Mack

Former undergraduate student, Agricultural Science

Christina Yim

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Tian Xia

Former undergraduate student, Biochemistry

Carlos Rodriguez Gonzalez

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Victoria Meagher

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Sarah Lucas

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Grace Sepllacy

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Timothy Gilpatrick

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Connor Campana

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Crosley Kudla-Williams

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Paras Patel

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Jon Kizer

Former undergraduate student, Biology

Past lab photos

September 2019

May 2018

October 2016